Sunday 9 December 2012

Amakhala and Shamwari game reserve: Safari's

A great moments when your ranger jumps out the vehicle... This is a Cape Eagle Owl with its new born in the daylight cool..

A special moment just before they both fly away!!!!!!!!

White Rhino with its calf....

A bull Water Buffalo one the most dangerous, aniamals in Africa..

Warthog..... It means no worries!!

Yellow Mongoose

Luxury for two Nights...

This Elephant is as close as it looks

Another great moment a Pride of Lion's minutes after the kill two adult females with four young males!!!!

This is the female of the hartebees that has just its mate, Killed by the Lion's 10 minutes earlier...............Ow F#@%.....

A Black Rhino amazing

Three White Rhino. Male at the front two females at the back..

Black Rhino walk's straight across are view. Ranger Grabs her camera says in 13 years of doin this never has she seen the two so close...Cool!!!

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