Sunday 17 February 2013

Phnom Penh

Cambodian telecom!

We arrived in Phnom Penh one day into a 4 day mourning period for the king's death, which meant it was buiser than normal and the palace and certain areas were closed to tourists...

The central market was one of the best we've seen...

All these fish were alive as the woman was filleting them with a meat cleaver that put my filleting skills to shame....

Chicken's neck rung to order...

Air dried fish and meat...

Honeycomb... which when I looked closely there was movement in a lot of it?!!

Koh Rong island

Boarder crossing from Vietnam to Cambodia... How many people can you get in a 12 person mini bus???? 29 at one point, a couple of chickens, many sacks of rice and TWO people in the driver seat!! we're both tired, very hot and a bit pissed off at this point... only a few more hours then paradise...

Local style hut accommodation for the next 5 nights, electricity only after sunset until midnight, no internet or hot water, amazing! Just what we needed after the last few crazy weeks in Vietnam... It's a hard life this travelling, hahahaha!!

Tree top bungalow..

Alltogether Koh Rong has 23 different beaches, the more you're willing to walk the more secluded the beaches become...

Em's birthday...

Scuba diving for Em's birthday...

Sunset after scuba driving on the best beach we've ever seen...

Smile Eggie..

This ones for Dave.. some guy gets on our boat as we are leaving the island and says, 'It was so beautiful here I was thinking they should make another. But then I thought no...
...Cause two Koh Rong's wont make a right'!!!

Tuesday 12 February 2013

Mekong Delta Tour, Day 2

Up for sunrise to go to the floating market..

It was amazing to watch this woman making these hats, only took her about 8 - 10 mins per hat....

Vietnamese stilted houses

 The Mekong Delta is one of the poorest parts of Vietnam but the most populated...

The floating market was one of the biggest of its kind..

 We went to a village to see how they make flat rice noodles the traditional way...
Under these drums is boiling water, stretched over the top is like cheese cloth, they pour a mix of rice flour, yam flour and water on top, put a lid on and steam for 20 seconds.

Its removed by a rolling pin of canes..

Layed out on these large racks..

Dried in the sun..

when dried, passed though this cutter..

Puts Em's chilli plants to shame...

This Jackfruit is amazing...

This is called Calamansi, its a bit sweeter that a lime half the size and has orange flesh..

Clound Apple's, taste like a cross between apple and a pear..

Dragon fruit..