Sunday 17 February 2013

Koh Rong island

Boarder crossing from Vietnam to Cambodia... How many people can you get in a 12 person mini bus???? 29 at one point, a couple of chickens, many sacks of rice and TWO people in the driver seat!! we're both tired, very hot and a bit pissed off at this point... only a few more hours then paradise...

Local style hut accommodation for the next 5 nights, electricity only after sunset until midnight, no internet or hot water, amazing! Just what we needed after the last few crazy weeks in Vietnam... It's a hard life this travelling, hahahaha!!

Tree top bungalow..

Alltogether Koh Rong has 23 different beaches, the more you're willing to walk the more secluded the beaches become...

Em's birthday...

Scuba diving for Em's birthday...

Sunset after scuba driving on the best beach we've ever seen...

Smile Eggie..

This ones for Dave.. some guy gets on our boat as we are leaving the island and says, 'It was so beautiful here I was thinking they should make another. But then I thought no...
...Cause two Koh Rong's wont make a right'!!!

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