Wednesday 20 March 2013


Back in Bangkok, this time for more than sleeping off jetlag!!!

Fake ID's from student to diving certificate and even university degrees..

Khoa san road, a pretty cool place...

The Royal Palace..

Chinatown, which apparently has the largest population of chinese outside of china...

Chinese Dumplings, Em's favourite snack!

Looks like road kill duck...

Roasting chestnuts

It's hard to explain how many shark fins were on display with restaurants selling soup and even harder to imagine how many there are worldwide for something that's not even that good?! And so cruel...

Maybe we'll do this with our campervan in Oz!

After a while of deciding we finally chose to do a Thai cooking class, mostly because we had spoken to a real foodie on one of our trips who said that the tour around the morning market was so good that he would have paid just for that, plus really wanted a better understanding of the methods, ingredients and how to make amazing green & red curry paste and tom yam paste. Turns out that even though we were in the countie's biggest market, we didn't get the tour we were after!

Anyway the rest of the day turned out pretty cool and learned a lot more about Thai cooking and ingredients... and got to eat them of course!

One of the best Tom Yam soups we have both eaten...

Start of the Tom Yam paste and an amazing peanut sauce..

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