Saturday 9 March 2013

Siam Reap

A lot of the stone work was roped off to protect it after years of being touched up by tourists! Or monks... This one made us laugh....

Sunrise at Angkor Wat!!!

The stone masons definately liked the finer details....

Evidence of big foot...

All the stones are laid out around the different temples for the restorers to slowly piece them back together

We over heard a tour guide saying at the Ta Prohm temple that the restorers are in two minds whether to remove the trees or rebuild around them as they are damaging the temple. Shame if they do as its so impressive but the damage they have done is clear...

A guy tried charging me $1 for this photo, you can imagine what I said...

This is one of those must see places but you have to get over the 1000's of tourist that visit everyday, but it is well worth it...

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