Wednesday 6 March 2013

Sen Monorom day 2

Sunday of the Chinese new year nothing really happened around and many locals taking a day off... We manage to get hold of a bike a decide to take 35km ride to a waterfall, unknown to us about 1km out of the town the road ends and turns into a dirt road. Which would of been ok if it wasn't one of the windest days we've have had so far on our trip!!!! Wouldn't be too bad but we still got 35km to get back...

The waterfall is packed with the locals for the chinese new year, nice to see its not just tourist driven...

Stop on the way back at a coffee plantation for a well deserved iced coffee with sweet milk, sounds weird but its amazing...

A bit unsual in the middle of a banana and coffee plantation but definately looks fun... Josh you should build one at the back of pub!

1km out of town END OF THE ROAD!!!

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